உய்ஹ் ஹாஜி ஜோஜ்போ

எங்களைப் பின்பற்றுங்கள்

திட்ட முன்னேற்ற மதிப்பாய்வு பார்வை (SEQUA)

A project progress review took place in June 2023. The project review team consisted of Dr. Roland Strohmeyer, BMO Project Coordinator, SEQUA, Prof. Jorg Lahner, External Consultant, Kimora Klug, South Asia Regional Manager, OAV and Miriam Heger, Long Term Expert, BMO, Jaffna OAV. The team visit to NCI Office on 27th June and discussed about the NCI activities and its Progress. Then the Mission met Governor of the Northern Province, Dean, Head of Marketing Department and other lecturers of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce and the Provincial Director of Industrial Development Board. NCI had organized some visits to the members.